JAEL-in-Brief Episode 4 - John Garvey interviews Dan Depasquale
Dan DePasquale is an Attorney-Advisor at the Pesticides & Toxic Substances Law Office at the Office of General Counsel in the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency.
For more information about the Pesticides & Toxic Substances Law Office and the organizations within the EPA Office of General Counsel, visit https://www.epa.gov/aboutepa/about-office-general-counsel-ogc#:~:text=The%20Pesticides%20and%20Toxic%20Substances,the%20Toxic%20Substances%20Control%20Act.
Dan Depasquale’s law review note can be accessed here: https://digitalcommons.law.wne.edu/lawreview/vol38/iss3/6/
John Garvey is a 2L at the University of Louisville. Brandeis School of Law and is a first-year member of the Journal of Animal and Environmental Law. After law school, John plans to practice environmental law in the Kentucky and Appalachian region. He can be reached via email at john.garvey@louisville.edu.