Volume 10
Volume 10, Number 1 (Fall 2018)
David Missirian, Is Man’s Best Friend Great for Personal Protection or a Huge Lawsuit in Waiting?
Geordie Duckler, Animals as Criminals
Paul Rink, Regulating the Trees for the Forest: How Indonesia and Brazil Attempt to Reduce Deforestation Through Forestry Policy
Irina Strelkova, Kentucky Horse Racing Commission’s Changing Regulations and the Role Kentucky Courts Play in the Process
Logan Wood, ETA Trumps the Coal Industry in Fourth Circuit Case Asking EPA to Balance Costs
Volume 10, Number 2 (Spring 2019)
Joseph Zabel, Legislators Need to Develop a Backbone for Animals That Lack One: Including Cephalopods in the Animal Welfare Act
Paul J. McLaughlin, If Animals Are Like Our Children Let Us Treat Them Alike: Creating Tests of an Animal’s Intelligence for Determinations of Legal Personhood
Dr. Angus Nurse, A Question of Sentience: Brexit, Animal Welfare and Animal Protection Law
Jesse Farler, Emotional Support Animals: How Kentucky Incorrectly Categorizes Accommodations as Pets
Cayla Combs, “Don’t Buy This Jacket”: Social Responsibility and the Modern Corporation