Volume 8
Volume 8, Number 1 (Fall 2016)
Felicia Thomas, Free Willy: Phasing Out Captivity of Killer Whales With State Level Legislation and Public Support
Alexander Blackwell, Conservation in Kentucky: Taking the Next Step
Kayla Campbell, Supporting the Adoption of Legislation Criminalizing “Fake” Service and Emotional Support Animals
Evan Matthew Comer, Constitutional Rights and Environmental Justice: A Comparative Analysis
Volume 8, Number 2 (Spring 2017)
Stacey L. Gordon, Regarding Humanity: How a Punitive Damages Statute Reflects Humanity’s View of Animal Cruelty
Jessica Brockway, Working Towards a Dust Bath: How a Tax on Chicken Meat Could Improve Animal Welfare
Jesus Osete, Extending the “Slayer Rule” to Four-Legged Legatees
Michael Mercurio, The Spirit(s) of Environmental and Historic Preservation: Revitalizing Communities and Making the Case for Greater Involvement by Private Parties in Brownfield Redevelopment in Kentucky
Courtney Groszhans, The Trash We Make and Feed Ourselves: The Way Americans Live Today and How the Law Can Help
Rebecca A. Lambert, The Unreliability of Detector Dogs: Why They Should Not Be Used to Find Probable Cause, or Be Used as Evidence Against a Defendant in a Criminal Case
Katie L. Bonds, The Need to Regulate Breeding Like a Business: Reformation of Kentucky’s Laws Around Breeding
Volume 8 - Symposium Edition (Summer 2017)
Jonathan S. Miller & Nolan M. Jackson, The Evolving Law and Regulation of Industrial Hemp in the United States
Theresa M. Zawacki, Local Food Systems and Farmland Preservation in Kentucky
Randy Strobo, Commodity of the Future? Environmental Ethics and the Value of Water
Hank Graddy, If Cafos Are Paint Sources, What Went Wrong?
Ronald R. Van Stockum, Jr., The Wondrous Journey of Food